Puhoi Egerländer Dialect


1. Make a promise. Print yourself a certificate!


Your certificate - don't forget to sign it.

2. Cards to print and give to your friends


10 Cards to download and print (double sided)

3. Audio Downloads --- for experienced users

Download all audio clips ogg Ben Straka
Download all audio clips mp3 Ben Straka
Download all audio clips ogg All
Download all audio clips mp3 All

These are zipped (compressed) files. After downloading, move the zipped file to a new folder. Then use Winzip or 7-Zip to open it. Once unzipped, they can be played on your computer, copied to CD/DVD or copied to an MP3 player.

MP3 Players

  1. These instructions apply to most computers. However, they may not apply to your particular system.
  2. Click the MP3 link above.
  3. Depending on your computer, a dialog window may open. If it does, click Save As.
  4. When the download is complete, locate the file called "atbs all benstraka mp3.zip". (You might have to use the windows search feature to locate it.)
  5. Move the downloaded file to a new folder.
  6. Unzip the downloaded file using Winzip or 7-Zip or similar. You should end up with a lot of MP3 files, one per saying/word.
  7. Copy the individual (unzipped) MP3 files you are interested in to your MP3 Player in the normal way. Don't copy the file called "atbs all benstraka mp3.zip".
  8. Good luck!

The Puhoi 150th Anniversary challenge...

To remember the simple Bohemian dialect greetings and to use them with your family.