Puhoi Egerländer Dialect

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I'd love to hear from you. Drop me an email at this address:


Or register your interest / Take a survey

The registration / survey questions are:

1.Your title:
2.Your first name (or initials):
3.Your last name:
4.Your email address:
5.Your web-site URL if any:
6.Institution affiliation, if any (eg PHS, University):
7.Your nationality:
8.Are you a Puhoi Egerlander descendant(that includes Ohaupo):
9.Do you speak the Egerlander dialect (eg none, an odd word, some, lots, fluent):
10.Did your father speak the Egerlander dialect (eg none, an odd word, some, lots, fluent):
11.Did your mother speak the Egerlander dialect (eg none, an odd word, some, lots, fluent):
12.Do you think the Egerlander dialect should be preserved (eg yes, maybe, no):
13.Do you intend to use simple Egerlander greetings with your family (eg yes, maybe, no):
14.Your age group (eg teen, 20 to 39, 40 to 59, 60 and over):
15.How did you find this web-site (eg Google, from a friend etc):
16.Which part of this web-site did you find the most useful (eg phrases, sayings, words):
17.Did you recognise any of the words/phrases/sayings:
18.Your comments:

(For statistical purposes only. None of your contact details will be published.)

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